Up All Hours


This article was written on 27 May 2013, and is filled under Everyday Parent, Grandparents, Holidays.

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Packing for a holiday with a toddler.

Would we call it a holiday? It could be argued that these weeks away are no longer actually holidays.

Because this little monster is coming with us.

Just trying out his holiday hat

Just trying out his holiday hat

How holidays have changed. There will no doubt be a lot of these holiday related posts being uploaded to blogs over the coming months as this is the time of year when families with young children realise that the days of lounging around on the beach, drinking too much sangria and lying in until midday, are over.

Oh well, there are new things to be excited about. There are foreign playgrounds, new sets of swings and I always get rather excited about the new selection of nappies and baby wipes available. Not to mention, the time difference which normally means that the little pickles are awake for even longer than usual! 🙂 I used to come back from holidays with a deep tan looking good, now I come back with a glow looking tired, as my sunbathing time is restricted to the happy hour whilst Baby B naps. Hey ho, who wants wrinkled sun damaged skin anyway.

I joke, but we are lucky as we have family in warmer climates, so we actually will get some down time which is wonderful. Not everyone is that lucky. And we will get a couple of nights out on the town, as Baby B is left in the care of his doting Nonna and Bis-Nonna, who can’t wait to see him.

I have just found myself chuckling quietly as I began the dreaded process of packing for 10 days away, which if you saw the amount of luggage piling up in the garage, you would be forgiven for assuming we were going on a 2 month safari. I can’t get over the amount of ‘stuff’ that accompanies toddlers.

Whilst my belongings have been relegated to small soft sports bag, B has been promoted to the hard  Samsonite suitcase. Safe to say that my hand baggage allowance will be filled with small metal cars, as many snacks as you can shake a stick at, and a fully loaded ipad with enough cartoons to last him until he is 18.

The plane. The bit I dread the most. Baby B is plane obsessed at the minute and very excited that we are going on one. However, I fear that the excitement will fade slightly, when after take off when he realises that his ‘play area’ for the next 3 hours in the seat he is sitting in. You can guarantee that he will save his fantastic morning poo for the plane. Have you ever tried to change a full size toddler on those, made for a 6 month old, changing tables in the plane toilets?! Fun! Thankfully my other half likes a challenge. 🙂

Anyway, enough moaning! You are probably thinking, what an ungrateful cow! I am very excited and am thinking positively, so much so, that I have dusted down a book. My annual trashy novel, which I save only for a holiday. Yes good old Jackie Collins. No holiday would be complete without her, my guilty holiday pleasure.


Jackie C amoungst the nappies

Jackie C amongst the nappies


Adios folks!


  1. The Mummy Scripts
    May 28, 2013

    This is us all over!! Yes, holidays are no longer the same. We had one recently in the Caribbean – also lucky as my parents live there – and managed to go to the beach every day but NOT sit or lie down once. Something I would have thought impossible before. I also get super excited about new brands of wipes and nappies – ridiculous isn’t it?! And yes, the plane toilets!! Arrgggh I ended up having to change them standing up on the toilet seat – very tricky but skilled manoeuvre! iPad, snacks and changes of clothes is a MUST, don’t even bother with toys, most unlikely he will play with them and they just make your already monstrous bag bigger. Have an amazing time though and enjoy just being away from this terrible weather! x

  2. helloitsgemma
    May 28, 2013

    It will be fantastic! it’s just the getting there.
    the first time i flew with a small child – I had the same fears but it was a lot better than I expected. My top tip is a couple of small new toys. Introduce them on the plane, the second after the first gets boring.
    Lists, lists and lists again is the only way to pack (keep the lists – you will need them again!)
    Enjoy the sunshine.

  3. upallhours
    May 29, 2013

    We made it! Thank you for your comment, it really made me laugh. Very glad to know that we are all essentially the same. I have not yet mastered changing the nappy standing up on the toilet – though now I know that it is possible I will persevere 🙂 You were right about the toys – the small metal cars I packed, because they were all I could fit in the bag, held his attention for about 5 minutes. Thankfully we had leg room so he could move about a bit. Sun is shining and I have a glass of wine for you! xx

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