Up All Hours


This article was written on 17 Jul 2013, and is filled under Everyday Parent, sleep.

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You know you are tired when……

Work has been absolutely crazy these past two weeks and what with the heat, good quality sleep has been hard to come by in our house.

I am blaming the lack of sleep for the following three things which I have done over the last couple of weeks, which have made me question how much I am with it! Well actually there have been more, I only photographed the following!

I would like to title the next three photos – ‘Things you do when you are that little bit over tired’

1) Try to open your much needed screw top bottle of wine with a cork screw. I gave it a really good go as you can see and actually penetrated the top before realising! Annoying really, I could have had a glass in the time it took me to battle with the bottle!

Oh, thats why the cork wouldn't come out

Oh, thats why the cork wouldn’t come out

2) Spending ages in a rage looking for the bank card reader that I had in my hand 5 minutes ago but now can’t find for love nor money. Then I open the fridge to get the wine and there it is!

Of course it's in the fridge

Of course it’s in the fridge

3) Nearly taking the tip of my finger off trying to get the bottle cap off my Britmum’s Coca Cola bottle with a vegetable peeler! 

I just want a sip of coke!

I just want a sip of coke!

There you have it. I am off to sweat it out in the garden. Now where did I put the suncream?!




  1. Kerri-Ann Hargreaves
    July 21, 2013

    Although not the same but I was going through something similar a couple of weeks ago. I spent 15 frantic minutes hunting around the house for my car keys, to then have to walk the ‘nursery run’ and and then run to walk!! I later found my keys in the cutlery drawer!

    • upallhours
      July 21, 2013

      Ha ha, bless you! I am so glad that it isn’t just me. I have cancelled two debit cards in the last month, blamed Baby B for hiding them somewhere, then found them in my purse!!!! xx

  2. Jenn
    August 23, 2013

    Too funny! I love the Coca Cola Bottle, though! I think I’d keep that as a kitchen decoration. We don’t have bottles like that in USA.
    I do stuff like this all the time when I’m really tired. LOL