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This article was written on 29 May 2014, and is filled under Everyday Parent, Everyday Toddler, Toys.

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A toddlers toy of the moment

Let’s talk about how quickly toddlers ‘go off’ or ‘lose interest’ in toys. It is fascinating.

One minute we can’t go ANYWHERE without the soft toy penguin, the next a really hard plastic dinosaur is being wedged into the back of the car and the following day the wooden spoon from the kitchen is an absolute vital accessory. As much as we vowed early in our parenting careers that our house, would not be overrun with plastic crap, we did not stay true to our word. It is literally over run with multicoloured plastic crap.

There are bits and pieces from toys gone by mixed in the more sturdy long wearing Little Tikes items. Not to mention the Lego, Brio and tens of thousands of Matchbox cars. If we were ever to have a ‘Home Alone’ style situation on our hands we would be more than equipped to deal with it.

What gets me the most though is how our 2 year old (very nearly three!) seems to work his toys on a sort of rota system. Just as you think it is safe for the plastic stacking cups to mysteriously disappear, they become toy of the moment.

Though no longer does he just stack them, oh no no, they become part of a battle; a shelter to hide the plastic dinosaur behind whilst the Lego men launch an attack, brandishing the wooden spoon and riding in on Matchbox cars! Basically, you can’t get rid of anything!

So, with the lack of space and lack of adult stuff in mind, you can imagine my joy when the husband came home from a ‘quick trip to Sainsbury’s to buy some lunch” with a four foot cuddly Tigger.

4ft Tigger

We don’t have a huge amount of space in our house, in fact I would say that we are near bursting point, but apparently there is always room for a toddler size toy.

So Tigger is currently toy of the moment. Of course he is, by far the biggest and the loudest toy in the house. It is like Tigger 1the sibling B doesn’t have. He drags this life-size soft toy everywhere with him. At 3am the other morning when B was making his nightly pilgrimage to our bed, I awoke to find not only B standing in the shadows but Tigger! In our already tight for space double bed, trying to squeeze Tigger in is not an option.

Obviously Tigger wants to go to nursery but that isn’t an option either and don’t even start with bath time! So there we have it. We just have to bide our time until Tigger falls out of favour and the attention turns to the next toy of the moment.

My money is on the wooden farm which I have seen B eyeing up with interest over the last couple of days and has been moved out from under the living room unit. Once he realises that Tigger won’t fit into the said wooden farm, I reckon we can seize the moment to say Tigger is visiting his friends in the woods. Or wherever it is he lives.

Tigger 5Tigger

Tigger 2

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  1. Siobhan Merrifield
    May 29, 2014

    Lol really funny but sooo true post! The joys eh! :0)

  2. Mummy Hargreaves
    May 29, 2014

    I absolutely love this, B is most certainly in tune with my Lil G! How frustrating is the ‘yes we can finally put that toy away, not to be seen again’ and then like by magic it is the toy of the moment. The joy of parenting ey

  3. life as our little family
    September 19, 2014

    This is the 2nd time I have read this post, and I loved it just as much. Don’t they just make you chuckle … the moment you go to remove a toy it is as you say toy of the moment #brilliantblogposts

  4. Honest Mum
    September 24, 2014

    Too adorable! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x

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