Up All Hours


This article was written on 08 Feb 2013, and is filled under Holidays, Time apart.

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Leaving on a jet plane……..(actually we are taking the train)

I’ve been writing this post in my head for the last couple of weeks. I can’t quite put my finger on why I haven’t actually put it into the blog until now, whether it’s because I feel guilty or because I’m worried about being judged. I hope that I’m doing what I always do – over analysing the whole situation and worrying about nothing.

I am a great worrier.

On Sunday, the other half and I are leaving Baby B with his Nonna – for a whole week. 7 whole nights.
This is MASSIVE.

Prior to parenthood a week was a week. They flew by, a week-long holiday frankly wasn’t long enough, but when you are a parent considering a week’s holiday without the children, suddenly a week seems too long. (I appreciate this might not be the same for everyone!)

Just to put you in the picture, a group of lovely people, including us, go on a winter holiday and have done for the last couple of years. Its amazing, great food, company and just all round gorgeous. Last year we took Baby B but it made it a very different holiday, he can’t enjoy the snow properly yet and did mean that we were still up at the crack of dawn. Therefore in agreement with the other parents going, we have all agreed to leave the children at home this year.

I am going through extreme emotions. One minute I am soo excited about a weeks uninterrupted sleep, lie ins, wine, restaurants with adults, freedom, relaxation, time to read a book, no poo to clean up and adult conversations – that I could cry with joy. The next minute the thought that I won’t be able to see, no matter kiss Baby B, for a week sends me into a very dramatic panic that he will simply forget who I am or at least never forgive me for abandoning him.

The thing is I know we are lucky. Lucky that his Nonna, is firstly willing to look after him for a week and secondly, that he loves being with her and visa versa.

Before we had Baby B, we travelled a lot and were always pretty spontaneous in our actions. This has been one of the things that I’ve struggled with since becoming a mum – not being able to just go somewhere at the drop of a hat. A trip to Sainsbury’s takes planning these days.
So there it is out – off my chest. I’m leaving him, for a week. The trip will be good for our souls, is really important time for us as a couple, I will get loads of work done and we will come back even better parents than when we left.

Would love to hear people’s thoughts on this. Have you left your little one before? They don’t forget you do they!!!

PS –  We have checked the trains and if we can’t cope we will be returning mid-week on an early train with fellow skier Mel, who is also near to having a breakdown about leaving her two.



  1. Mum2BabyInsomniac
    February 9, 2013

    Jealous! I haven’t been ski-ing for years. We haven’t left Iyla before but mainly because the only person I would leave her with is my OH’s mum but she has 4 other grandchildren so it just wouldn’t be possible. I’m sure he will have a great time! X

  2. upallhours
    February 9, 2013

    Thank you for your comment! Been sobbing all morning whilst packing bags etc. I’m sure he will be more then fine – him and his Grandmother (my mum) have a mutual infatuation with each other (he is her only grandchild!). Have got a mid-week escape if I need it.

    Hope you are feeling good and getting some sleep with bump x

  3. Jenn
    February 10, 2013

    I have three children: ages 12, 10, and 3 months. When my two eldest were under the age of 5, I went on a trip to South America and it was so hard to leave them behind!! It was my first time leaving them for a week and to another country at that! But I got through it and came home to very happy, excited kiddos!! 🙂 So it is hard at first, but you get through it and so do they.

    Now as for my precious 3 month old baby…I’m not ready to leave her yet!! I have trouble leaving her for longer than 2 hours just to go to the store!! I know it’s a new mom-new baby thing. But I do feel ya!

    Have a blast! 🙂

    • upallhours
      February 11, 2013

      Ahh Jen, thank you so much for your comment. Honestly, made me feel much better. So far so good, two days in and he is having a ball with his grandmother and I have to admit that although missing him terribly (and sleeping with one of his teddies!) I am doing ok!!! xxx

      • Jenn
        February 15, 2013

        I am glad everything is going so well!! 🙂