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This article was written on 01 Apr 2013, and is filled under Everyday Baby, Everyday Parent, Holidays.

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A successful Easter Sunday

The mood that Baby B is in can truly make or break a day. Yesterday we went round to friends in Windsor for Easter lunch hoping that Baby B would be on good form. He has been ill all week with a bug but seemed to have finally made a recovery.

It was a lovely informal affair but in a beautifully formal house with endless glass ornaments which had ‘smash’ written all over them. Further, the very talented Max was making three delicious courses which as wonderful as that is for me and my irrepressible greed, it is not wonderful for Baby B, who tends to get restless after 20 minutes in a highchair.

Anyway, I write this post because all my fears and worries were unfounded as Baby B was on amazing form. Everything went our way yesterday and we had an awesome afternoon. The house was under a main flight path from Heathrow and for a little boy who is literally obsessed with aeroplanes, one plane passing over head every minute, more then kept him busy.


They also have a cat, Baby B has never actually come face to face with a cat before. He was amazingly gentle and respectful to the cat and the Alfie the cat and him spent some quality time together watching the planes go by.


Baby B was granted the key role of serving the delicious spaghetti dish that Max had prepared and enjoyed trying some himself at the table. He deemed it ‘de-lious’ – a big compliment to any chef! Nice one Max!


Baby B danced on demand, treated the audience to some beautiful, albeit slightly unique, renditions of ‘Old MacDonald’, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’, ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ and ‘ABC’ before mopping their kitchen floor and rearranging the kitchen cupboard. All of this without one tantrum! Result!

We left just in the nick of time as the eye rubbing started and the he feel asleep in the car on the way home. So proud of my little man. If only all days were like this!

Thanks for having us over you lovely people – you know you are 🙂 xxx

One Comment

  1. Jenn
    April 8, 2013

    He is just precious! There’s no way he gets into things and says “no, no, no.” 😉 I read this blog post last week and thought it was very lovely. Happy (late) Easter!

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