Up All Hours


This article was written on 03 Jul 2013, and is filled under Everyday Baby, sleep.

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Guess he is just an early riser.


Gosh, so that’s that then.

Two years in and we (Baby B!) are still waking up before 6am most mornings.  In fact I would say 90% of our mornings are pre 6am.

That is very very early in my book. Actually, surely that is early in anyone’s book, isn’t it?

It is wonderful though how your perceptions change. These days 7am is considered a lie in and If, IF, on a child free morning I was to wake up after 9am I actually feel guilty that I have ‘wasted the day’.

Seriously though, I think that it is time to admit defeat and to stop going to bed every night hoping that tonight is going to be the night that Baby B will finally wake up at a reasonable hour. Time to stop over analysing nap times and bed times and just go with the flow. He sleeps through most nights, so already I know that we are luckier then some, whose nights are regulary interrupted. I just can’t help but wish that B would give us that extra hour, sod it, that extra half hour. I’m not greedy. Just tired!

To wake up feeling ‘good’ at 5am you really need to be hitting the sack before 11pm. Ummm, actually I am trying to sound brave, 10pm is much more sensible. That then means that often your evenings are cut short. Its swings and roundabouts (love that saying).

You know though, If B did start sleeping in, I don’t know what my mum and I would talk about every morning. Our conversations every morning for the last two years have gone a bit like this;

Mum – (No hello) Well, what time? 

Me – 5.30am

Mum – Oh well, that’s not too bad (ever the optimist)

Me – Well yeah I guess, could have been 5am I suppose. (Trying to be positive)

Mum – Yes exactly

Further, I realise that without my early morning wake up calls, what would I have to moan about? I moan quite regularly about how tired I am. I am tired as I write this. Shattered in fact. Life would be a bit straight forward if I didn’t have my afternoon dip to negotiate and the early evening crash to get through.

So for now we continue. As my mum says, ‘Guess he is just an early riser’.


Does that mean he will always be an early riser? Does anyone have any wonderful stories of how one day is just all changed? Please do tell……

Watch this space. 🙂

A PJ clad Baby B playing guitar at 5.45am

A PJ clad Baby B playing guitar at 5.45am


  1. Mischevious Mum
    July 4, 2013

    We played this game, till about March this year. T has always been an early riser. Rising between 5 and 6:30 (mmmm 6:30!) every day. He’s 3 in October. When the clocks changed it was suddenly 4:30am he wished to rise, so I went out and bought a Gro Clock. It took him a good month or so to grasp the idea, but you set the clock to what time you’re happy for him to wake (6:30 in our case) and when he goes to sleep it turns blue with stars on, so we tell him when the stars are on he should be asleep and be quiet. At 6:30am it changes to yellow with the sunshine on, and we tell him he’s allowed to get up when he see’s the sunshine.

    Like I said this did take him a while, we’d often wake up to him chuntering, that he was awake so where was the sunshine and why were the stars still on, but now that he’s grasped it, we’re guaranteed a wake up at 6:30am with him shouting ‘THERE’S THE SUNSHINE MAMMMMYYY, DADDDDDDYYY, THE SUNSHINES UP, IT’S TIME TO GET UP, I’M AWAKE NOW’ I suppose there are worse things!

    I recommend you try that!

    • upallhours
      July 14, 2013

      Thank you so much for your comment. We do have a Gro Clock and it doesn’t seem to have made much a difference but maybe we need to try to explain it again to him. I woke up the morning at 5.30am to him saying ‘Wakey wakey sun’!!! Not quite what is supposed to happen!!! 🙂 xx

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