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This article was written on 13 Aug 2013, and is filled under Everyday Parent, Time apart.

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Parents let loose…

There is something really quite wonderful about a group of parents let loose without their children. I write this post having returned from a wonderful weekend with fantastic friends at the Wilderness Festival in the Cotswolds.

Don’t be fooled by the use of the word ‘festival’, this is no Glastonbury. Wilderness is a much more sophisticated affair, with an amazing selection of food and a wide variety of entertainment, all set in simply stunning surroundings.

Wilderness by day

Wilderness by day

All about the food

All about the food










To top it off, we didn’t even have to camp as we are extremely lucky to have friends that practically live on the site. This my friends, is a perfect weekend, all the enjoyment of a festival with clean hair!

So there we were, three couples, with 5 children between us, sitting around sipping chilled Rosé and having proper conversations. And that all started at 1pm!

There we also were, making our way home through the fields, sipping our slightly warmer Rosé, at 2am!

Wilderness by night

Wilderness by night

Oh my, does it take you back. I felt like a student again. Late mornings and late nights.

So what are the key factors of being child free for a whole weekend?

* The freedom – Yup that’s it mainly

* The very fact that you can be you again – Yup, I am much more relaxed (and drunk) when I am child free

* You can talk rubbish and swear excessively

* Not having to worry about sourcing suitable food for the little ones or check that anyone in your party needs to do a poo

*I can call my other half by his real name instead of referring to him as Daddy

*You can have a laugh with your other half instead of bickering over whose turn it is to man the child whilst the other downs as much alcohol as possible

*And of course last but not least, the lie in’s. Which make the awful Rosé hangovers that little bit more bearable.

I appreciate that we were all so lucky to have someone on hand to look after our little treasures. Not everyone has this luxury but my words to you are, if you do, do it! Rope in parents, Grandparents, an Aunty, a friend or whoever you can bribe (and trust!) to watch your little ones so you can get out every once and awhile. It’s important for the kids and you, that you to let your hair down.

And if you need company………you know where I am 🙂 (Honestly, I’m a hoot!)

Oh wait, and what about Baby B I hear you ask. Was he ok without his parents for a whole weekend??? Oh yes he was, he was spoilt rotten by his Nonna and Aunty and spent most of the weekend relaxing. Like this…..




One Comment

  1. Jenn
    August 23, 2013

    How did you get your blog site set up as a stand-alone? Is it still affiliated with WordPress?

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