Up All Hours


This article was written on 24 Mar 2014, and is filled under Advice, Everyday Baby.

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One constant cold; how do you unblock their nose?

This is a rhetorical question of sorts, as I think that I have heard it all and none of it works!

I have come to the conclusion that our little man must have enlarged adenoids, or that his nostrils are just too small for his face. I’m no doctor, but I have had a look up there and they seem to be adequate, so it must be the first option. Adenoids. Either that, or just one constant cold.

B is always bunged up, so much so that I think he has given up breathing through his nose at all. When he eats or drinks his milk, he does so in rushed mouthfuls so that he can take a breath. It is, at times, rather stressful to watch. I find myself short of breath just watching him.

But it’s the nights that are the worst. Listening to him trying to breathe is awful. Sometimes he stops breathing completely, which when you are stood over him like some weird psycho who likes watching people sleep, can be really disturbing. The seconds feel like hours. Then he take a rather desperate breath through his mouth and this little cycle continues throughout the night. As a parent, it does not make for a peaceful sleep.

In my bid to help him sleep better, I have tried and tested almost every decongestant, menthol spray/cream/plugin, spell on the market and sadly, nothing is really working. Sometimes the smell of Olbas Oil is so strong that my eyes water when I sneak into his room. He does always smell nice though. Well, if you like the smell of Olbas Oil that is.



Drops & Sprays

Drops & Sprays



I have tried propping him up on pillows, rubbing Vix on his feet, we have been through three vaporises, but his room is quite small and very quickly turned into an actual sauna with water running down the walls. He is a sweaty child at the best of times, so that didn’t really help!

Room Spray

Room Spray

Vapour Stick!

Vapour Stick!








So I wanted to throw it out there, to you lot, the experts. Am I missing a trick? Does anyone’s little ones suffer the same? At what age will a doctor refer to me see an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist?! Or do they just grow out of it and remember that they have a nose and start using it eventually?!


  1. Yro
    March 24, 2014

    Thanks a lot you have post this…I was starting to think my little one was the only one with breathing/coughing problems…..tried all your options plus asthma inhaler right now……it seems just a little bit better, but definitely not as good as I’d like…..but good to know I’m not the only mum with this night problem…;-)

    • upallhours
      March 24, 2014

      Thank you so much for commenting. So it isn’t just us! I use an inhaler with B too, when he is asleep, otherwise I can’t get near him with it! It helps his cough when he has one, so better then nothing. Will let you know If I discover any solutions 🙂 xx

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