Up All Hours


This article was written on 07 Nov 2014, and is filled under Everyday Parent, Everyday Toddler, Medical.

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He can breathe!

It has been three weeks since the little man had his tonsils and adeniods removed. I am thrilled to report that he has made a full recovery and that it has been such a life changing success – he can breathe!

Whilst I believed it would improve his breathing, and hopefully sort out the sleep aponea, never in my wildest dreams did I think the results would be so dramatic.

He is a new boy! His voice has changed. He is less nasal and speaks clearer. However, it is his sleep that is has improved tenfold. Gone is the little man whose snoring could be heard in France, no do I wake up 10 times a night to him spluttering for breath and most importantly he now breaths, continually.

If you had read my pre-operation post (this one) then you may have watched the video of B not breathing. It’s horrible to watch and something we had to deal with every night. Now we have the complete opposite, the quietest breather I have ever known!

I now find myself checking on him constantly to see if he is still breathing! It is remarkable difference.

I’ll be honest, the recovery period was tough. It took him a good 10 days before he started to return to himself. He was on antibiotics for 7 days and painkillers of some description for 10 days. There were some days he barely ate anything as he would complain his ‘mouth hurt’ but overall, day by day he got better. Days 5/6 were the worst which the doctors warned is often the case. I must admit to breathing a big sigh of relief when he devoured his first full meal again and stopped saying it hurt.

If there are any parents out there concerned about Sleep Aponea or who have an adenotonsillectomy pending with there little one, then I hope this post can offer some reassurance or comfort. Now to be honest, we only wish we had put him through the operation sooner!


Thank you everyone for your well wishes! B xx


  1. Donna
    November 7, 2014

    Oh I am so glad he can breathe again! What a great change and so glad he has made a full recovery x

    • WordPress.com Support
      November 8, 2014

      It really is a great change. Worth all the stress! Thanks Donna. xx

  2. Cathy
    December 7, 2014

    Hoping we have the same experience after this week’s surgery – great to read, thank you for sharing x

    • upallhours
      December 9, 2014

      Cathy, I really hope it all goes well. They are such little troopers. It is harder on us! Would love to hear how it all goes. Thinking of you x