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This article was written on 02 Jun 2013, and is filled under Grandparents, Holidays.

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Return of the ‘Titty’ and a holiday update

Some of you may a read a blog post from back in September last year, charmingly titled ‘Ohh Titty‘. This post talked about how a then 14 month old Baby B, developed an immediate fascination with the outside ceiling fan at my Grandmothers house in Spain. Most baffling is that he called the fan “Titty” straight away and continues to call it “Titty” to this day.

All fans in the eyes of Baby B’s are called “Titty” and he LOVES them. Whilst he has continued to called them “Titty” you don’t get too many fans England, whereas in warmer climates they are obviously a more common feature.

So we have returned to Spain and Baby B has been reunited with beloved “Titty”. I swear he knew as we got of the aeroplane that we were going to visit the bis-nonna’s “Titty”. Not a sentence that you can say out loud in public!

As his vocab has improved and developed we now get “Titty On”, “Titty Off” and “Titty goes round and round”.

The "Titty" in all its glory!

The “Titty” in all its glory!

B has literally spent hours just sitting and watching the “Titty”. It is certainly the way forward for some peace and quiet!

In addition to watching the “Titty”, B has been extremely busy doing all the normally things one does when on holiday, you know swimming, playing by the pool or in the garden and visiting the beach. Well actually no! Baby B has decided that he doesn’t like the sea – ‘No water’ and would much rather spend his time……….hiding in the cupboard……..sweeping the floor with his Nonna and Bis-Nonna…………. and spinning on the lazy susan!

Ah toddlers. You gotta love em!

Spinning fun

Spinning fun

Cupboard Fun

Cupboard Fun

Sweeping fun

Sweeping fun

One Comment

  1. The Mummy Scripts
    June 2, 2013

    Cute! One of my twins LOVES fans too and started off calling them helicopters (which they are still known as and he is on his way to three….) Seriously, toddlers are hilarious. They get something into their mind, like they can’t stand sand on their toes and that’s the end of the beach for the rest of the hols! Good luck getting him out the cupboard, although at least he is being productive with the sweeping 😉 x