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This article was written on 22 Nov 2013, and is filled under Celebrations.

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Ideas for the big 40

No no, not me. My other half. I’ve got years left until I reach those lofty heights *coughs

The Big 40

The Big 40

He’s not one for birthdays and nor am I for that matter, though I do like a well thought out present, but as it stands I have planned nothing. Help! It is only two weeks away and I am am going to have to pull something out of the bag. The problem is, he is good at surprises, he is considerate, talented and crafty. I am none of the above.

I am completely mainstream, have no talents and when it comes to planning a big surprise, frankly I am useless.

Just to give you an idea of what I am up against these are some of the rather amazing things he has surprised me with over the years…

1) In our early dating days when he was working in America and I was living in North London, I got a random text one evening with five numbers on it. “What is this” I asked, “its your flight number to LA” he replied;

2) For HIS birthday last year he surprised ME with a trip to Rome where he proceeded to propose on a beautiful bridge in the city;

3) The engagement ring was on a padlock, for which I had been carrying round the key to on my bunch of house keys for TWO years. He was going to propose two years earlier but then we got pregnant so he wanted to wait awhile;

4) At our recent wedding, he picked up his guitar and sung his speech which he had written to the tune of his favourite song. The last verse of which was written on a chalk board at the venue and the whole wedding party then sung with him. It was amazing, funny and heart felt;

5) And finally, he is just better then me! Dreadful at admin, but great at a surprise and a thoughtful gift. 🙂

So there you have it, I need to pull something out of the bag and fast. So far I have booked in my mum to look after the little man and booked a room in our favourite London hotel. Still need things to do in the evening and gift ideas.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!!! What did you do to celebrate yours or your partners? Present ideas?!


  1. Charly Dove
    November 22, 2013

    The pressure!!!! Well done getting childcare and a hotel, fabulous start. You could organise a surprise get together (super quickly) or maybe have dinner and go to a show? I remember doing a surprise 40th for my husband, lots of folk came. We went to a bar first then Gaucho for a meal then back to someone’s dodgy hotel bar. All battered, dreadful photos but good fun! Anything you do he’ll appreciate 🙂

  2. Jennifer
    November 27, 2013

    WOW! Your hubby is amazing! He needs to teach my husband a few things in the romance department because I always have to direct my husband on how to do things romantic. 🙂
    Maybe make him a little photo album with pictures and mementos from when you first met up to wedding day?
    I do hope the birthday celebration is lovely! xx

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